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Cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users when you visit this site and to provide helpful features. Cookies themselves do not contain any personal information, and does not use cookies to collect personal information. This policy is intended to help you understand:
A cookie is a small text file that may be stored on your computer or mobile device that contains data related to a
website you visit. It may allow a website “remember” your actions or preferences over a period of time, or it may contain data related to the function or delivery of the site. Cookies can be set by the owner of the website or in some cases by third party services the website owner allows to present other information, run content or provide other functionality such as analytics.
More info about cookies click here. uses cookies when you visit our website including the Google Analytics. Google Analytics allows us
to measure and learn in aggregate how our website is being used, and to see for example, which are the most
popular pages. This will help us ensure we provide relevant information in an easily accessible format. We also
use a number of session cookies and a persistent cookie to record your acknowledgement of our cookie usage.
Google Analytics make available an opt-out mechanism and more information. Click here to opt-out.
You may notice that sometimes after visiting a site you see increased numbers of adverts from the site you
visited. This is because advertisers, including ourselves pay for these adverts. The technology to do this is made possible by cookies and as such we may place a so called “remarketing cookie” during your visit. We use these
adverts to offer special offers etc to encourage you to come back to our site. Don't worry we are unable to
proactively reach out to you as the whole process is entirely anonymised.
Please note that users to the website may embed content from third party websites such as YouTube. By viewing and/or accessing this embedded content these third party websites may set their own cookies on your web browser. does not exercise any control or supervision over embedded content from these third party websites.
We do not control the use of these cookies in this embedded content and is not permitted to access
these cookies due to the way that cookies work. Cookies can only be accessed by the party who originally sets them. Accordingly, this Cookies Policy and/or our Privacy Policy do not cover these third party websites.
Therefore, where you wish to access embedded content from third parties we would strongly encourage you to
read the Privacy Policies and Cookies Policies from such third party to see what information they collect, use and
share about you.
Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but, if you wish, you can change the settings on your browser
to refuse all cookies. In addition, you can modify the settings on your browser to be notified when a cookie is sent or to accept all cookies. Your browser’s help screen will tell you how to change your settings. However, you
should note that disabling cookies may result in some parts of the website not working efficiently or in slower downloads.
Different browsers make different controls available to you and so we provide links below to popular
manufacturers’ instructions on how you can do this.
Alternatively, Incognito mode in Chrome allows you to browse the web without recording webpages and files in your browser history. Cookies are deleted after you've closed all of your incognito windows and tabs, and your
bookmarks and settings are stored until you delete them. Learn more about cookies.
This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services.
Monday to Friday : 09:00 to 17:00
Saturday : 10:00 - 14:00
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Holidays 100% protected is a trading name of
J Barter International Ltd
92 Patrick Street, Cork, Ireland Registration No 100308
Licensed by Commission Aviation Regulation
TA 0720 - Holidays 100% protected
Foreign travel advice: Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland have up-to-date advice on staying safe and healthy abroad. Click Here> to get the latest advice.